our webpage is curently under fuck.
lots off stuffs gonna look werid.
pls b patient. lol. lmao. it's never getting fixed.

w/ luv,
unregistered hypercam 2 (webmaster)

Formatting Your Email

After you’ve produced your high-quality rip, the most important part of the process is to make sure your email is as legible and streamlined as possible, as that makes the team’s job easier!

First of all, the subject line. With rare exceptions, all rips on SiIvaGunner have the ideal, streamlined format of the track name and then the game name, separated by a hyphen. Make sure your email subject is just that!

[Text shown: Track - Game in the subject line]

(Note that in some special cases, such as submitting to an event, you may wish to add to the subject line with the event’s name, like so!) 

[Text shown: [Grand Dad Event] Track - Game]

The next essential part of the email is the body. The first part of the body should be the metadata. You know, the title and description, something every SiIvaGunner rip needs! Make sure you include the following:

After you put the metadata, the most important part is the rip itself!Include a link to your rip where we can easily preview AND download it--please don’t host the file on a website which makes us have to download it directly before getting to listen!Here are some examples of websites we endorse for uploading rips:

Do not attach the rip directly to the email.

We accept the following formats for submission: MP3 for audio, and MP4 or other similar compressed video formats for video.

After this part, you need to explain the joke of your rip. Be as clear and concise as possible, and make sure you explain every joke no matter HOW obvious it may seem! Including timestamps for what’s changed can help too.

Finally, at the very bottom of the rip, you need to include the following line:

“I understand that this is an anonymous submission and that I will not be credited.”

This is what we call an NDA, or Non-Disclosure Agreement--meaning you agree to not promote yourself as the creator in the comment section of the rip. We here at SiIvaGunner like to maintain a sense of kayfabe to keep the channel’s magic going! Of course, you are free to upload the rip to your website or other public platform--but you may only do this after the rip has been published. Keep it a surprise!

Once you’ve got everything down and have double checked your email for any errors, you are finally ready to send your rip to SiIvaGunner!

…or are you?

Part 3: The Banlist

While we accept a wide, diverse range of musical video games and genres, we do not allow certain types of submissions. Here are just a few examples of rips we do not allow and will be rejected:

If your rip contains any of these, it is very likely you will get no response.

Part 4: The… “Discouraged” List

There are also a few things we discourage but that are not outright banned. Tread carefully with these, and remember it’s less likely to get a response if you submit the following:

Part 5:  Possible Email Responses

So, you’ve formatted your email correctly and you’ve finally gotten a reply! Great work. But what does the email say? We’ll go through a few possibilities.If your rip has no errors, then we’ll send you confirmation we’ve accepted it! Expect to see it on the channel in the near future. Make sure you keep that lossless file on hand--we may ask you to send us this file in the future, in case we may need it for an album!

If your rip has some errors, then we will send you a list of them that you need to fix. Should you need to fix your rip, you can just reply to this email without needing to copy the previous metadata. Additionally, in some cases we may ask you to agree to the terms of anonymity if you did not in your initial email. Make sure you reply to the last email you received, and keep everything in the same thread.

But what if you don’t get a reply? We understand that not getting an answer to your email may be sad, but don’t worry--we’ve almost certainly read it. We just don’t have the time to respond to every single email since we get a lot of them, so there’s absolutely no need for you to bump them. If you don’t get a response, don’t worry! You are always welcome to send more rips in.

Part 6: Other Notes to Remember

Do you feel ready to submit to SiIvaGunner now? Well, we just have a few more notes before you go.

Remember, we’re including a text version of this guide in this video’s description that you can always keep handy!

Part 7: The Grand Conclusion

Well, you are now ready to email to SiIvaGunner.

If you find that you enjoy it, why not try ripping more? Make what you’d love to see on the channel a reality. If you need more specific help on submitting or just ripping in general, feel free to ask in the channel designed for it in our Discord server.

And who knows… if you get enough rips accepted, we may even ask you to join the team! This is by no means a guarantee, of course… but never say never!

Thanks for watching this guide, and we hope you have fun submitting to our channel!!

This presentation has been endorsed and paid for by Haltmann Works Company.

For a written version of this guide with some more details, refer to this video’s description.